Monday, June 13, 2011

Rock and a hard place

There's nothing like trying to find some middle ground between your best guy friend and his girlfriend (who is also your friend.)
I am of the simple, logical mind that if you are friends, then you hang out, and there's no secret intentions or that its anything more than just hanging out. Unfortunately the majority of the female population, can't seem to see it my way. So, when I have a guy friend, that I want to make lunch plans with, my plans seem 'datey'. Despite the fact the the girlfriend is also a friend and knows that what is just a friendship is just that, a friendship. So what do you do when your friend gets mad that you want to hang out with her boyfirend, who, technically, was your friend first?
The worst part about knowing both sides of the relationship is you have insider info on the other side. Unfortunately, many times the information you get from one person is totally contradictory from the information you get from the other person. For example: This lunch 'date' that was NOT a date: the next day I get a text from the girl apologizing saying she was just sad and insecure and that she wanted me and boy to be friends. The next day however, I hear from boy that she's been in a funk since then and also got mad at him for even telling me about it. A lose lose situation if I've ever heard one....
And I don't know what my point is, or the realization that I'm trying to get to. It's just a silly little pickle that life has decided to throw my way. And I'm curious to see how it all pans out. Unfortunately, my crystal ball is a little foggy at the moment, so i see no end it sight, no quick fast foward. Such is life.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The worst thing about life is making decisions you don't want to make but know you have to. I'm not talking about the whether to pay car loan or buy a new pair of boots, decisions. The gut wrenching, break-your-heart, this is for the best, type of decisions that in the long run is the right choice, but in the right now you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Right now I'm in that tunnel and there's no end in sight. Everything is just dark and dismal and I'm in this funk that I can't seem to find my way out of. Granted, it's only been 35 hours since I've made my choice, but I'm impatient and i want to feel better now. I want to move on and be happy again. There can't be anything worse than deciding to cut out one of the most important persons in your life. And it can be said that it doesn't need to happen or that it's just self sabotage. But for my sake, in order to be happy and not turn into a person I don't want to be, it is necessary.
This week I'm supposed to be uber busy dancing and competing and I'm hoping beyond hope that it will give me the distraction that I need, to at least get by. I have no idea why I'm posting this here, or now, but if i don't get it off my chest I'm certain I will explode.